Our AirAsia Flight FD359 From Bangkok To Singapore on September 17, 2020 Has Been Canceled

Shot on September 19, 2019


  1. Unlimited flight change: Change to any new travel date before 31 October 2020 on the same route any time up to 48 hours before flight departure an unlimited amount of times without any additional cost subject to seat availability;
  2. Credit account: Request for a Credit Account of the value of your booking which is to be redeemed within 730 calendar days from the issuance date for your future travel with us. The actual travel dates can be after the expiry date as long as our schedule is out. Credit Accounts are not only faster to redeem, but also have a longer validity, and are more convenient for you, as you can simply top up for future bookings, if need be.


Our AirAsiaX Flight XJ612 From Bangkok To Osaka on September 23, 2020 Has Been Canceled


We regret to inform you that AirAsiaX flight XJ612 scheduled to depart from Bangkok (DMK) to Osaka (KIX) on Wednesday,September 23, 2020 has been cancelled due to the current global health crisis of COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. Unlimited flight change: Change to any new travel date before 30 November 2020 on the same route any time up to 48 hours before flight departure an unlimited amount of times without any additional cost subject to seat availability.
  2. Credit account: Request for a credit account of the value of your booking which is to be redeemed within 730 calendar days from the issuance date for your future travel with us. The actual travel dates can be after the expiry date as long as our schedule is out. Credit Accounts are not only faster to redeem, but also have a longer validity, and are more convenient for you, as you can simply top up for future bookings, if need be.
  3. Full refund: Obtain a full refund in the amount equivalent to your booking in the form of the original payment.



Our AirAsiaX Flight XJ611 From Osaka To Bangkok on September 16, 2020 Has Been Canceled

世界に蔓延する新コロ騒動の影響を受け、9月16日に搭乗予定であったAirAsia XJ611便が欠航するとの緊急通知をSMSとメールで受信しました。

Dear Guest, your AirAsiaX flight XJ611 from KIX-DMK-SIN on Wednesday,September 16, 2020 has been cancelled due to the current global health crisis of COVID-19 pandemic. Please check your email for more info.


  1. Unlimited flight change: Change to any new travel date before 31 October 2020 on the same route any time up to 48 hours before flight departure an unlimited amount of times without any additional cost subject to seat availability;
  2. Credit account: Request for a credit account of the value of your booking which is to be redeemed within 730 calendar days from the issuance date for your future travel with us. The actual travel dates can be after the expiry date as long as our schedule is out. Credit Accounts are not only faster to redeem, but also have a longer validity, and are more convenient for you, as you can simply top up for future bookings, if need be.




Singapore GP Early Bird Tickets Extended To June 30



WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of April 28, 2020
USA 960,916 (+29,218), 49,170 (+1,190) (5.1%) – No Universal Program
Spain 209,465 (+1,831), 23,190 (+0) (11.1%) – BCG Denmark
Italy 199,414 (+1,739), 26,977 (+333) (13.5%) – BCG Denmark
UK 157,153 (+4.309), 21,092 (+360) (13.4%) – BCG Denmark
Germany 156,337 (+1,144), 5,913 (+163) (3.8%) – BCG Denmark(旧西ドイツ) / BCG Russia/Bulgaria(旧東ドイツ)
France 127,008 (+3,729), 23,261 (+440) (18.3%) – BCG Denmark
Turkey 112,261 (+2,131), 2,900 (+95) (2.6%) – BCG Russia/Bulgaria
Russia 93,538 (+6,411), 867 (+73) (0.9%) – BCG Russia
Iran 91,472 (+991), 5,806 (+96) (6.3%) – BCG Iran
China 84,347 (+6), 4,643 (+0) (5.5%) – BCG China

Singapore 14,423 (+799), 14 (+2) (0.1%) – BCG Denmark
Japan 13,576 (+191), 376 (+25) (2.8%) – BCG Japan

  • フランスの致死率が18.3%と異常に高い。
  • シンガポールの累計感染確認件数が日本を超えているが、致死率は0.1%と低い。感染確認者数の大半は寮に住む外国人労働者。

Today at Apple — Capture striking photography with iPhone

2017年9月16日にApple Orchard Roadで撮影した上の画像で私の右を下りる人、Cameronがオンライン版、Today at Appleに登場します。Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypadを購入した際に応対してくれた、あの強烈な個性を醸し出していた人です。


The French GP To Be Postponed

フランス、マルセイユ郊外のCircuit Paul Richardで、6月28日に開催が予定されていたF1フランスGPも延期になりそうです。(正式に延期が確認されたわけではありません。)

フランス大統領、Emmanuel Macronはロックダウンを5月11日まで継続すると発表。その後、保育所、小中学校は段階的に開校するものの、バー、レストラン、映画館は閉鎖を継続。7月中旬まで夏祭りは開催しないとしています。


Source: BBC Sport Formula 1

WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of April 13, 2020
USA 524,514 (+31,633), 20,444 (+1,928) (3.9%) – No Universal Program
Spain 166,019 (+4,167), 16,972 (+619) (10.2%) – BCG Denmark
Italy 156,363 (+4,092), 19,901 (+431) (12.7%) – BCG Denmark
Germany 123,016 (+2,537), 2,799 (+126) (2.3%) – BCG Denmark(旧西ドイツ) / BCG Russia/Bulgaria(旧東ドイツ)
France 94,382 (+1,595), 14,374 (+560) (15.2%) – BCG Denmark
China 83,597 (+115), 3,351 (+2) (4.0%) – BCG China
UK 84,283 (+5,288), 10,612 (+737) (12.6%) – BCG Denmark
Iran 71,686 (+1,657), 4,474 (+117) (6.2%) – BCG Iran
Turkey 56,956 (+4,789), 1,198 (+97) (2.1%) – BCG Russia/Bulgaria
Belgium 29,647 (+1,629), 3,600 (+254) (12.1%) – No BCG Licensed or Produced

Japan 7,255 (+507), 102 (+4) (1.4%) – BCG Japan

Canadian GP To Be Postponed


WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of April 7, 2020
USA 333,811 (+26,493), 9,559 (+1,201) (2.9%) – No Universal Program
Spain 135,032 (+4,273), 13,055 (+637) (9.7%) – BCG Denmark
Italy 132,547 (+3,599), 16,525 (+636) (12.5%) – BCG Denmark
Germany 99,225 (+3,834), 1,607 (+173) (1.6%) – BCG Denmark(旧西ドイツ) / BCG Russia/Bulgaria(旧東ドイツ)
China 83,071 (+66), 3,340 (+0) (4.0%) – BCG China
France 73,488 (+3,881), 8,896 (+832) (12.1%) – BCG Denmark
Iran 60,500 (+2,274), 3,739 (+136) (6.2%) – BCG Iran
UK 51,612 (+3,802), 5,373 (+439) (10.4%) – BCG Denmark
Switzerland 21,574 (+509), 715 (+0) (3.3%) – BCG Denmark
Turkey 30,217 (+3,148), 649 (+75) (2.1%) – BCG Russia/Bulgaria

Japan 3,906 (+252), 80 (+7) (2.0%) – BCG Japan

Singapore — Most Workplaces To Be Closed From Next Tuesday

COVID-19対応状況に関して、シンガポール首相、Lee Hsien Loong(リー・シェンロン)が4月3日午後5時に行った国民に向けたスピーチで以下のような発言がありました。

“Except for key economic sectors and essential services – such as food establishments, markets and supermarkets, clinics, hospitals, utilities, transport and key banking services – all other work premises will close, said PM Lee on Friday”(食品を扱う事業所、市場、スーパーマーケット、診療所、病院、公益事業、輸送、主要金融機関などの主要経済セクターやその他不可欠なサービス部門を除く、すべての職場を閉鎖する)

The Straits Times (Translation: monomaniacgarage)


今回、発表された措置はロックダウン一歩手前のような厳しい対策です。Satoさんによれば、シンガポールではBCG Denmark株を生後間もない乳児に接種させているようです。

Kiss92 FM

年がら年中、シンガポールのことが頭のどこかにあるシンガポールバカにとって、現地のFMラジオ局がリアルタイムでネットで聴けるのはありがたいことです。以前はmyTuner ProというAppをiPhoneにインストールして主に、車での移動時にカーステで聴いていました。時々、音声が途切れるという不具合がありましたが、最新のiOS 13.4では不具合が解消されたようです。

Macでも視聴できないか、”kiss 92 Singapore”をキーワードで調べてみると、こちらのサイトがヒット。Safariで視聴可能なことがわかりました。そのサイトから、iOS用の専用Appである”SPH Radio“というAppがあることがわかり、早速、iPhone 11にインストールしました。

SPHはSingapore Press Holdingsの略で、Kiss92の他に4つのラジオ局を運営する会社のようです。それぞれのラジオ局は対象とするリスナーを設定しています。Kiss92は、” The nation’s first radio station targeting women aged between 30 – 50, offering informative content for the modern, driven and savvy women.”(30代〜50代のモダンで意欲的且つ情報通の女性)が対象のようです。私は対象外?

選曲が私の好みに合っていて、複数のDJによる適度な会話時間が良いと思います。今日の主な話題はCOVID-19感染予防を目的に本日発令された”Social Distancing”と外国からの帰国者を対象に行われる14日間のSHN (Stay Home Notice) 明るい北朝鮮とも揶揄されるシンガポールらしく、公共交通機関を除く、レストラン、喫茶店、ショッピングセンターなど公共の場では1メートル以上の安全な距離(Safe Distancing Rule) を確保することが義務付けられたようです。この極めて「反社会的」な濃厚接触禁止令に違反すると、禁固刑または最高S$10,000の罰金、またはその両方の罰則が課せられるそうです。(シンガポールでは日本と同じように、「本音と建前」という暗黙で了解すべき風土があるようです。)


WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 26, 2020
China 81,961, 3,293 (4.0%)
Italy 74,386, 7,505 (10.1%)
USA 63,570, 884 (1.4%)
Spain 47,610, 3,434 (7.2%)
Germany 36,508, 198 (0.5%)
Iran 27,017, 2,077 (7.7%)
France 24,920, 1,331 (5.3%)
Switzerland 9,714, 103 (1.1%)
UK 9,533, 463 (4.9%)
Republic of Korea 9,241, 131 (1.4%)

Japan 1,291, 45 (3.5%)

Our AirAsia Flight FD 359 Has Been Rescheduled

9月17日(木)のFlight FD 359 Bangkok (DMK) > Singapore (SIN)のスケジュールが変更になったとの連絡を受けました。予約時の出発時刻は07:00でしたが、新しい予定では06:10発になるそうです。チャンギ空港到着時刻は10:25から50分早くなって09:35着です。

我々にとってFD 359便は乗継便であり、関空からドンムアンに到着する予定時刻が同日午前03:50なので、今回のスケジュール変更による影響はほとんどありません。



WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 24, 2020
China 81,747, 3,283 (4.0%)
Italy 63,927, 6,077 (9.5%)
USA 42,164, 471 (1.1%)
Spain 33,089, 2,182 (6.6%)
Germany 29,212, 126 (0.4%)
Iran 23,049, 1,812 (7.9%)
France 19,615, 860 (4.4%)
Republic of Korea 9,037, 120 (1.3%)
Switzerland 8,015, 66 (0.8%)
UK 6,654, 335 (5.0%)

Japan 1,128, 42 (3.7%)

Azerbaijan GP Postponed



F1会長のChase Careyは夏に開幕戦を持ってきて、今年は全15〜18戦に縮小して開催したいと考えているようです。元は史上初の全22戦が予定されていました。


WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 23, 2020
China 81,601, 3,276 (4.0%)
Italy 59,138, 5,476 (9.3%)
USA 31,573, 402 (1.3%)
Spain 28,572, 1,720 (6.0%)
Germany 24,774, 94 (0.4%)
Iran 21,638, 1,685 (7.8%)
France 15,821, 674 (4.3%)
Republic of Korea 8,961, 111 (1.2%)
Switzerland 6,971, 60 (0.9%)
UK 5,687, 281 (4.9%)

Japan 1,089, 41 (3.8%)

Grand Prix De Monaco To Be Canceled


WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 21, 2020
China 81,498, 3,267 (4.0%)
Italy 53,578, 4,827 (9.0%)
Spain 24,926, 1,326 (5.3%)
Germany 21,463, 67 (0.3%)
Iran 20,610, 1,556 (7.5%)
USA 15,219, 201 (1.3%)
France 14,296, 562 (3.9%)
Republic of Korea 8,897, 104 (1.2%)
Switzerland 6,077, 56 (0.9%)
UK 5,018, 233 (4.6%)

Japan 1,046, 36 (3.4%)

Singapore Border Restrictions


Based on this latest situation, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce will put in place additional border restriction measures. From 16 March 2020, 2359 hours, all travellers (including Singapore Residents, Long Term Pass holders, and short-term visitors) entering Singapore with recent travel history to ASEAN countries, Japan, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom within the last 14 days will be issued with a 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN). In addition, they will have to provide proof of the place where they will serve the 14-day SHN, for example a hotel booking covering the entire period, or a place of residence they or their family members own. They may also be swabbed for testing for COVID-19, even if asymptomatic. This is because of the risk of community transmission in these countries and evidence of cases that have been imported from these countries into Singapore.



Travel History in the last 14-days in Countries/RegionsFor Singapore Residents and Long Term Pass HoldersFor Short-term Visitors
Hubei Province (Mainland China)14-day quarantineNot allowed entry or transit
Mainland China (except Hubei province), France, Germany, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, and Spain14-day SHNNot allowed entry or transit
ASEAN Countries14-day SHN14-day SHN
Short-term visitors who are ASEAN nationals will also be required to submit requisite health information for approval before travelling
Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom14-day SHN14-day SHN


WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 15, 2020
China 81,048, 3,204 (4.0%)
Italy 21,157, 1,441 (6.8%)
Iran 12,729, 608 (4.8%)
Republic of Korea 8,162, 75 (0.9%)
Spain 5,753, 136 (2.4%)
France 4,469, 91 (2.0%)
Germany 3,795, 8 (0.2%)
USA 1,678, 41 (2.4%)
Switzerland 1,359, 11 (0.8%)
UK 1,144, 21 (1.8%)

Japan 780, 22 (2.8%)

Bahrain and Vietnamese GPs To Be Postponed




WHO Confirmed Cases and Deaths (Cumulative) as of March 13, 2020
China 80,991, 3,180 (3.9%)
Italy 15,113, 1,016 (6.7%)
Iran 10,075, 429 (4.3%)
Republic of Korea 7,979, 66 (0.8%)
Spain 2,965, 84 (2.8%)
France 2,860, 61 (2.1%)
Germany 2,369, 6 (0.3%)
USA 1,264, 36 (2.8%)
Switzerland 858, 6 (0.7%)
Japan 675, 19 (2.8%)