Tawaraya Ryokan


Jobs had promised to take each of his children on a trip of their choice when they became teenagers. Reed chose to go to Kyoto, knowing how much his father was entranced by the Zen calm of that beautiful city. Not surprisingly, when Erin turned thirteen, in 2008, she chose Kyoto as well. Her father’s illness caused him to cancel the trip, so he promised to take her in 2010, when he was better. But that June he decided he didn’t want to go. Erin was crestfallen but didn’t protest. Instead her mother took her to France with family friends, and they rescheduled the Kyoto trip for July.

Isaacson, Walter (2011-10-24). Steve Jobs (p. 541). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

3人の子供たち(Lisaを含めると4人)がティーンエイジャー(13歳)になれば世界中どこでも好きな所に連れて行ってあげると約束したSteve Jobs。京都を選んだ長男のReedに倣い、2008年に13歳になった長女のErinも京都を選んだとか。しかし、お父さんは体調が思わしくなかったので、2年後の2010年に延期。実際に京都に家族で来られたのは去年の7月だったようです。(関空で手裏剣を没収された時でしょうか?)お父さんが大好きな京都を敢えて子供たちが選んでいるようです。Chrisann Brennanとの間にできた子ども、Lisaも京都に連れてきてもらったそうです。


While Reed took care of Eve back in Palo Alto, Erin and her parents stayed at the Tawaraya Ryokan, an inn of sublime simplicity that Jobs loved. “It was fantastic,” Erin recalled.

Isaacson, Walter (2011-10-24). Steve Jobs (p. 542). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Steve Jobsが家族で京都にやって来た時、宿泊した京都の老舗旅館、俵屋。

Tawaraya and Hiragiya



“Dad knew where he wanted to go to lunch every day. He told me he knew an incredible soba shop, and he took me there, and it was so good that it’s been hard to ever eat soba again because nothing comes close.” They also found a tiny neighborhood sushi restaurant, and Jobs tagged it on his iPhone as “best sushi I’ve ever had.” Erin agreed.

Isaacson, Walter (2011-10-24). Steve Jobs (p. 542). Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Kindle Edition.


御池通辺りにApple Store, Kyoto FuyachoとかApple Store Kyoto Oikeとか建ててくれれば私は毎週、通います。しかし、なぜ京都にアップルストアがないのでしょう。創業者がこれほどまでにお気に入りだった街だのに。

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