Nikon Fマウント用の広角レンズが欲しいなあと思い、中古レンズを物色していて、偶然見つけたのが1989年発売のNikkor AF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6望遠ズームレンズ。20年近く前のレンズとは思えないほど、中古レンズとしては美品でした。6ヶ月の保証付きで¥11,800でした。
Type of Lens: Autofocus Nikkor zoom lens with built-in CPU and a metal rear Nikon bayonet mount
Lens Construction: 13 elements in 11 groups
Focal Length: 75mm to 300mm
Maximum Aperture: f/4.5-5.6
Minimum Aperture: f/32
Picture Angle: 31º40’~8º10′
Focal Length Scale: 100mm, 135mm, 200mm, 300mm
Diaphragm: Fully automatic
Focus Control: Autofocus with focus limiter on the zoom ring; Manual via manual focus ring
Zoom Control: Via one-touch push and pull zoom ring
Distance Scale: Graduated in meters and feet/inches from 3m (9.9′) to infinity
Macro: Closest distance 1.5m (5′) for all zoom range in manual focus
Distance Information: Output into camera body with CPU interface system is not possible with this lens; Option for manual focus provided
Aperture Scale: f/4.5, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22, and f/32 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout scales
Mount: Nikon bayonet mount with CPU contacts
Attachment Size: 62mm (P=0.75mm)
Meter Coupling Prong: None
Depth of Field Scales: NIL
Reproduction Ratio: approx. 1:5.6
Minimum Aperture Lock: Provided via slide switch
Lens Coating: NIC (Nikon Integrated Coating)
Exposure Measurement: Via full-aperture method with Ai cameras or cameras with CPU interface system; via stop-down method for other cameras
Infrared Compensation Index: Two white indexes are provided for the 75mm and 135mm focal length setting
Standard Accessories: 62mm front lens cap; Rear lens cap LF-1; Hard lens case CL-36
Nikon D90に装着すると、なかなか迫力があります。着脱不可の三脚座付き。